RegID | LA-E-195 |
Case/Ship Name | Fabiana |
Year | 1824 |
Case_ID | V2356 |
Court Name | British and Spanish Court of Mixed Commission, Sierra Leone |
Vessel Type or Barracoon | Schooner |
Vessel Flag | Spain |
Vessel Captain Surnames | María |
Vessel Captain Given Names | Juan Manuel |
Vessel Captain Surnames1 | |
Vessel Captain Given Names1 | |
Vessel Owner Surnames | |
Vessel Owner Given Names | |
Vessel Owner Surnames1 | |
Vessel Owner Given Names1 | |
Number of Crew | |
Voyage Departure | 1823-05-05 |
Port of Departure | Havana |
Country of Departure | Cuba |
Port_or_Country | Port |
Port of Departure Co-ordinates | |
Date of Purchase | |
Date Vessel Departure in Africa | 1823-09-14 |
Primary African Location of Embarkation from Voyages | Bonny |
Region of Embarkation | Lower Guinea Coast |
Region_or_Port | Port |
Embarkation Coordinates | |
Total Africans Embarked | 172 |
Capture Location | |
Capture Coordinates | 21.521757;-77.781167 |
Date of Capture (ship or barracoon) | |
Date of Landing | 1823-10-16 |
Date of Sentence | 1824-10-11 |
Sentence Type | |
Total Africans at capture | |
Total African Deaths at Capture | |
Capturing Vessel Name | Iphigenia |
Capturing Vessel Flag | British |
Capturing Vessel Type | Ship |
Capturing Vessel Captain Surnames | Mends |
Capturing Vessel Captain Given Names | Robert |
Tender Vessel | |
Tender Vessel Type | |
Total Africans Disembarked | 170 |
Total Africans Registered | 118 |
Total African Deaths during Trial | |
Court Officials | |
Date of Register | |
Notes |