Case Details
RegID LA-E-274
Case/Ship Name Laure
Year 1829
Case_ID V2862
Court Name Principal Secretary of State, Sierra Leone
Vessel Type or Barracoon Schooner
Vessel Flag France
Vessel Captain Surnames Jastram
Vessel Captain Given Names Jean Victor
Vessel Captain Surnames1
Vessel Captain Given Names1
Vessel Owner Surnames Herpin
Vessel Owner Given Names Constant
Vessel Owner Surnames1
Vessel Owner Given Names1
Number of Crew
Voyage Departure 1829
Port of Departure
Country of Departure Martinique
Port_or_Country Country
Port of Departure Co-ordinates
Date of Purchase 1829-09
Date Vessel Departure in Africa
Primary African Location of Embarkation from Voyages Sherbro
Region of Embarkation Upper Guinea Coast
Region_or_Port Port
Embarkation Coordinates
Total Africans Embarked 374
Capture Location
Capture Coordinates 14.6415;61.0242
Date of Capture (ship or barracoon)
Date of Landing 1829-10-01
Date of Sentence 1830-12-31
Sentence Type Condemned
Total Africans at capture
Total African Deaths at Capture
Capturing Vessel Name Atholl
Capturing Vessel Flag British
Capturing Vessel Type Ship
Capturing Vessel Captain Surnames Gordon
Capturing Vessel Captain Given Names Alexander
Tender Vessel
Tender Vessel Type
Total Africans Disembarked 372
Total Africans Registered 335
Total African Deaths during Trial
Court Officials
Date of Register
Notes In the French Schooner "La Laure" at sea (to which vessel they had been removed from the Spanish Schooner "emanuel" at the Sherbro, where she ran aground and became a total wreck)… Landed at Aberdeen in the Colony, in the month of October 1829, but were delivered to the department, until the 1 January 1831 during which period they were supported at the expence of Captain Gordon.
List of Source